Research and Development
- Genetic Farm
- Bull Station
- Semen Processing Lab
Genetic Farm
The bull station contains AI and semen processing lab, a number of sheds for keeping production/ breeding bulls, trial bulls and growing bulls including feed processing, storage and isolation sheds. There are high merited Government DLS (Department of Livestock) approved different genotypes of Holstein Friesian, Sahiwal, Local cattle breeds/varieties like Red Chittagong, Pabna, Munshiganj, North Bengal Gray and improved Deshi which were achieved through systemic research at own breeding farm and also collected from LTLDB contract farming countrywide.
LTLDB has a special emphasis on buffalo breed development, and
achieved 50% and 75% Mediterranean crossed buffalo breed for the development of native buffalo genetic resources. The Bull Station has the following key features:
- Certified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO 900:2015)
- Registered by the Department of Livestock Services (DLS
- Government DLS approved high merited Holstein Friesian, Sahiwal, Local and Buffalo breeds with different genotypes
- Sustainable dairy and beef bovine breeds
- Biosecurity ensured healthy and disease free breeding, trial and growing bulls in respective sheds with strict management procedures following individual SOPs
- Well equipped AI lab for frozen semen production, storage and distribution to the farmers for indigenous cattle and buffalo improvement.

The bull station contains AI and semen processing lab, a number of sheds for keeping production/ breeding bulls, trial bulls and growing bulls including feed processing, storage and isolation sheds. There are high merited Government DLS (Department of Livestock) approved different genotypes of Holstein Friesian, Sahiwal, Local cattle breeds/varieties like Red Chittagong, Pabna, Munshiganj, North Bengal Gray and improved Deshi which were achieved through systemic research at own breeding farm and also collected from LTLDB contract farming countrywide.
LTLDB has a special emphasis on buffalo breed development, and
achieved 50% and 75% Mediterranean crossed buffalo breed for the development of native buffalo genetic resources. The Bull Station has the following key features:
- Certified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO 900:2015)
- Registered by the Department of Livestock Services (DLS
- Government DLS approved high merited Holstein Friesian, Sahiwal, Local and Buffalo breeds with different genotypes
- Sustainable dairy and beef bovine breeds
- Biosecurity ensured healthy and disease free breeding, trial and growing bulls in respective sheds with strict management procedures following individual SOPs
- Well equipped AI lab for frozen semen production, storage and distribution to the farmers for indigenous cattle and buffalo improvement.
Semen Processing Lab
The Artificial Insemination (AI) and semen processing lab is a part of Bull Station of Lal Teer
Livestock Development (BD) Limited (LTLDB) which started semen production and distribution
in 2015 with the certification of ISO (9001:2015) and DLS (no-2) later on. This lab is fully
equipped with IMV technology (IMV, France) and supervised by qualified animal breeder,
protectionist and veterinarian. This lab mainly contains four parts:
- Semen collection shed
- Semen receiving, evaluation and processing room
- semen filling, sealing and frozen semen production room
- frozen semen storage room.
As AI has the potential for rapid
dissemination of male genetic inheritance over a large geographical area it is our deep-rooted commitment to provide affordable high genetic merited frozen bovine semen to dairy and beef farmers countrywide. The Bull Station has the following key features:
- Certified by International Organization for Standardization (ISO 900:2015)
- Registered by the Department of Livestock Services (DLS Government of Bangladesh for semen production and distribution
- Frozen semen production from DLS approved high merited Holstein Friesian, Sahiwal, Local and Buffalo breeds with different adapted genotypes
- Frozen semen production has been conducted by the well-equipped IMV technology (IMV, France) with related accessories of IMV maintaining superior quality in respective processing steps
- Rechecking the final product (frozen semen) before handover to the distributor ensuring the quality issue by the supervision of qualified experts following SOPs
- The Quality certified frozen semen goes to the marketing channel for marketing to the farmers with the ultimate objective of cattle & buffalo improvement of the country.